Vyjádří své osobní názory na témata, která ho zajímají, reaguje na názory ostatních a diskutuje s nimi.


Úroveň: Na začátku


  • Vyjádří svůj názor pouze velmi jednoduše a stručně, zapojuje se několika slovy do jednoduché diskuze.


Krátký textový popis:

Telefonát s kamarádkou

Žák vyádří svůj názor pouze velmi jednoduše a stručně, zapojuje se několika slovy do jednoduché diskuze (např. „Líbí se mi.“, „Je to dobré.“).

Kritéria hodnocení: 

  • Obsah: Žák reaguje vhodně, klade otázky a na otázky odpovídá.
  • Jazyková správnost: Jednotlivé výměny hodnotíme po stránce lexikální (obsahové) odpovídající jazykové úrovni A1-A2, případné odchylky od jazykové správnosti nesnižují porozumění.
  • Jazyková plynulost: Žák mluví souvisle. Pauzy nebo zaváhání v řeči jsou většinou přirozené.

Zadání pro žáka: 

Best friends Mary and Clara are both 11 years old. They went to the same kindergarten and were in the same class. Clara moved to another country last month, and Mary is calling to ask about her new life. Prepare the phone call: Work with a partner to create a phone call between Mary and Clara. 

Make sure to include:

  • Greetings and asking about each other's well-being.
  • Questions about Clara's new life in another country (school, friends, activities).
  • Clara's opinions about her new life (what she likes and dislikes).
  • Mary's reactions to Clara's opinion.

Ilustrace očekávaného výkonu: 

  • Mary: Hi Clara! It's Mary. How are you?
  • Clara: Hi Mary! I'm good. How are you?
  • Mary: I'm fine. I miss you. How is your new home?
  • Clara: I miss you too. My new home is nice. We have a big house and a big garden.
  • Mary: That sounds great! How are your new teachers, classmates?
  • Clara: It's okay. The teachers are nice, but I miss my old class.
  • Mary: I can understand it. I miss you so much. Do you have new friends?
  • Clara: Yes, I have new friends. They are nice.
  • Mary: That's good. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?
  • Clara: Yes, we are visiting a big park. What about you?
  • Mary: I'm going to the movies with my family.
  • Clara: That sounds fun! Let´s talk again soon.
  • Mary: Yes, let's do that. Talk to you soon!
  • Clara: Bye, Mary!
  • Mary: Bye, Clara!

Úroveň: Na cestě


  • Vyjádří svůj názor na známá témata pomocí jednoduchých vět. 
  • Při diskuzích občas reaguje na názory ostatních, přičemž používá základní fráze pro souhlas, nesouhlas. 
  • Do diskuzí se zapojuje aktivněji, ale jeho projev může být méně plynulý a obsahovat nepřesnosti, potřebuje delší čas na promyšlení nebo podporu.


Krátký textový popis:

Telefonát s kamarádkou

Kritéria hodnocení:

  • Obsah: Žák reaguje vhodně, klade otázky a na otázky odpovídá.
  • Jazyková správnost: Jednotlivé výměny hodnotíme po stránce lexikální (obsahové) odpovídající jazykové úrovni A2-A2+, případné odchylky od jazykové správnosti nesnižují porozumění.
  • Jazyková plynulost: Žák mluví souvisle. Pauzy nebo zaváhání v řeči jsou většinou přirozené.

Zadání pro žáka: 

Best friends Mary and Clara are both 13 years old. They went to the same kindergarten and were in the same class. They lived in the countryside. Now Clara has moved to another country; she lives in a big city, and Mary is calling to ask about her new life.

Work with a partner to create a phone call between Mary and Clara.

Make sure to include:

  • Greetings and asking about each other's well-being.
  • Questions about Clara's new life in another country (school, friends, activities).
  • Clara's opinions about her new life (what she likes and dislikes about living in the city, her opinion about the environment).
  • Mary's reactions to Clara's opinions (agreement, encouragement, sharing her own views).

Ilustrace očekávaného výkonu: 

  • Mary: Hi, Clara! How are you?
  • Clara: Hi, Mary! I miss you. I'm doing okay. How about you?
  • Mary: I miss you too. How do you like living in the big city?
  • Clara: It's different from the countryside. There are so many people and buildings. I like it, but I miss 
  • the quiet and nature.
  • Mary: That sounds interesting, but I can understand you. Do you like your new school?
  • Clara: Yes, my new school is big, and there are a lot of activities. I have made some new friends but I still miss our old class.
  • Mary: I'm glad to hear that. What do you do in the city for fun?
  • Clara: There are so many things to do! I can visit museums, go to the movies, and there are lots of parks. What about you? How's everything at home?
  • Mary: Things are nearly the same. I still help my parents in the garden and hang out with our friends. What do you think about the environment in the city?
  • Clara: It's very different. There are more cars and buildings, so it's noisier and the air isn't as fresh. I miss the trees and the open spaces in the countryside.
  • Mary: That sounds challenging. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
  • Clara: I like both but prefer the countryside because it's more peaceful. What do you think?
  • Mary: I agree. The countryside is nice and quiet. But it's nice that you can see what city life is like.
  • Clara: Yes, it's a big change, but I'm getting used to it. Thanks for calling, Mary. It was great to hear your voice.
  • Mary: Anytime, Clara! Talk to you soon. Bye!
  • Clara: Bye!

Úroveň: Splněno


  • Srozumitelně vyjádří své osobní názory na sdílená témata. 
  • Reaguje na názory ostatních a zapojí se do diskuse.


Krátký textový popis:

Kritéria hodnocení: 

  1. Obsah: Žák reaguje vhodně, klade otázky a na otázky odpovídá.
  2. Jazyková správnost: Jednotlivé výměny hodnotíme po stránce lexikální (obsahové) odpovídající jazykové úrovni B1, případné odchylky od jazykové správnosti nesnižují porozumění.
  3. Jazyková plynulost: Žák mluví souvisle. Pauzy nebo zaváhání v řeči jsou většinou přirozené.

Diskuze o módě

Zadání pro žáka: 

Study vocabulary:

  • fast fashion: Clothes that are made quickly and inexpensively to follow current trends, but often don't last very long. 
  • fashion intelligence: Being smart and informed about clothes and how they are made and choosing wisely when buying them. 
  • slow fashion: Clothes that are made with care, last longer, and are better for the environment and the people who make them. 
  • sustainability: Making sure that the way clothes are made doesn’t harm the environment and can continue for a long time without causing damage. 
  • sweatshop: A place where people work very hard in bad conditions and for low pay to make clothes. 
  • second hand: Clothes that have been owned and used by someone else before you buy them. 
  • greenwashing: When companies pretend to be eco-friendly but actually are not, just to make people think they are doing good for the environment. 
  • swap: Exchanging something you have with someone else, like trading clothes with a friend. 

Discuss sustainability and ethical considerations in fashion. Do you agree? How do you feel about this? Give your opinion on these statements and express your feelings about sustainability: 

  1. Slow fashion is better than fast fashion.
  2. It is my own thing what I buy, what I wear. I don´t care about nature, the environment, people ... 
  3. Sweatshops and greenwashing are bad for nature and people.
  4. People need to have fashion intelligence.
  5. Swapping and second hands are not good.

Ilustrace očekávaného výkonu: 

Ad 1) Slow fashion is better than fast fashion.

  • Pupil 1: I think slow fashion is definitely better than fast fashion. It focuses on quality and sustainability, which is much better for the environment.
  • Pupil 2: I agree. Fast fashion produces so much waste and the clothes don't last very long. It's just not sustainable.
  • Pupil 3: But isn't slow fashion more expensive? Not everyone can afford it. I am sorry about it. Fast fashion is more accessible to people with lower budgets.
  • Pupil 4: That's true, but if you think about it, buying fewer, higher-quality items that last longer can actually save money in the long run. Plus, it's better for the planet.
  • Pupil 5: Also, slow fashion supports ethical practices. Workers are often treated better and paid fair wages, which is really important.
  • Pupil 2: Yeah, I read that fast fashion often involves poor working conditions in factories. It's something we shouldn't support.
  • Pupil 1: I think we need to change our mindset too. We should stop buying clothes just because they're trendy and start thinking about the impact of our choices.
  • Pupil 3: It's not easy, though. Advertising and trends have a big influence on what people buy. But maybe if more people were aware of the benefits of slow fashion, things would start to change.
  • Pupil 4: Education is key. If we learn about the impact of fast fashion and the benefits of slow fashion, we can make more informed choices.
  • Pupil 5: Agreed. And it's not just about buying clothes. We can also take care of our clothes better, repair them, or even buy second-hand. All these actions can help reduce waste.
  • Pupil 1: Absolutely. It's about being more conscious consumers and thinking about the long-term effects of our buying habits.