Rozumí obsahu jednoduchých uměleckých textů.


Úroveň: Na začátku


  • Rozumí obsahu jednoduchých příběhů. 
  • Písemně nebo ústně prokáže porozumění. 


Krátký textový popis:

Příběh o přátelství - video s titulkami

Tradiční krátký příběh o přátelství obsahuje morální přesah. Žáci mají možnost sledovat video s titulkami, případně příběh číst a dále s ním pracovat. V této úloze žáci sledují video a zaměřují se na posloupnost příběhu. Porozumění je ověřeno odpověďmi na otázky a chronologickém řazením příběhu.

Zadání pro žáka

Discussion: Who do you consider a friend and why?

Watching the video: You will watch a short video about a friendship between a mouse and a lion. You will see it twice. There are also subtitles to help you to understand.


Comprehension check - Put the sentences in the order:

  • ____ The little mouse ran up the lion’s neck.
  • ____ He saw the king of the jungle tied to a tree.
  • 1   A lion was asleep in the sun one day.
  • ____ ‘You were right, little mouse – thank you, I’m free.’
  • ____ ‘Be kind to me and one day I’ll help you.’ 
  • ____ The mouse worked quickly and chewed through the rope.
  • ____ The lion caught him with a great big smack!
  • ____ The mouse was out walking the very next day.

Answer key: 2, 6, 1, 8, 4, 7, 3, 5

Comprehension Questions (Multiple Choice):

  1. Who helps the lion in the story?
    1. A tiger
    2. A mouse
    3. A bird
  2. What does the lion do to the mouse at the beginning of the story?
    1. Eats the mouse
    2. Catches the mouse but lets it go
    3. Ignores the mouse
  3. How does the mouse help the lion?
    1. By giving him food
    2. By freeing him from a trap
    3. By scaring other animals away

Úroveň: Na cestě


  • Rozumí obsahu zjednodušené četby. 
  • Písemně nebo ústně prokáže porozumění. 


Krátký textový popis:

Čtení - fiktivní povídka

Žák si přečte krátkou fiktivní povídku. Porozumění prokáže odpověďmi na otázky a diskuzí se spolužáky.

Zadání pro žáka:

Pre-reading: Do you believe in ghosts?

Reading: You will read a mysterious story about a boy called Liam. Afterwards, you will answer some questions and talk to your friends. 

"The Mysterious Lighthouse"

Liam lived in a small village by the sea. Every evening, he walked along the beach and watched the waves. Near the beach, there was an old lighthouse. It hadn’t worked in years, and people said it was haunted.

One evening, Liam noticed something strange. A light flashed from the top of the lighthouse. “That’s impossible,” he thought. Curious, he decided to investigate.

The next day, Liam climbed the hill to the lighthouse. The door was open, and he stepped inside. It was dark and dusty. Suddenly, he heard footsteps.

“Hello?” Liam called.

A man appeared. He was old, with white hair and a kind face. “Don’t be afraid,” the man said. “I am the keeper of the lighthouse. I’ve been fixing it because a big storm is coming. The ships will need help to find their way.”

Liam was amazed. “Can I help you?” he asked.

The man smiled. “Yes. Together, we can save lives.”

That night, the storm arrived. Liam and the old man turned on the light, and the ships safely reached the harbour. From that day, Liam visited the lighthouse often. He learned how it worked and felt proud to help his village.

Reading comprehension: For each question choose the correct answer.


  1. Where did Liam live?
    a) In a big city.
    b) In a small village by the sea. 
    c) In the lighthouse.
  2. Why was the lighthouse unusual?
    a) It hadn’t worked for years.
    b) It was very small.
    c) It was full of people.
  3. What did Liam see one evening?
    a) A big ship.
    b) A storm in the sky.
    c) A light from the lighthouse.
  4. Who was in the lighthouse?
    a) An old man fixing the light. 
    b) Liam’s friend.
    c) Nobody—it was empty.
  5. Why did the old man fix the lighthouse?
    a) He wanted to sell it.
    b) A storm was coming, and ships needed help. 
    c) He wanted to scare people.

Discussion: Talk to your partner/s.

  • How would you feel if you were Liam? Would you do something differently?
  • Have you ever been in a difficult situation? Who helped you? Who do you usually ask for help?

Úroveň: Splněno


  • Rozumí obsahu jednoduchých uměleckých textů. Písemně nebo ústně prokáže porozumění.
  • Prokáže porozumění obsahu jednoduchého uměleckého textu podle zadání (např. řadí jednotlivé části textu chronologicky, odhaduje další vývoj příběhu, nahlíží příběh perspektivou různých postav).      


Krátký textový popis:


Tato úloha umožňuje ověřit schopnost žáků pochopit hlavní myšlenku příběhu, identifikovat klíčové detaily a reflektovat své názory na téma příběhu, což podporuje rozvoj kritického myšlení i jazykových dovedností.

Zadání pro žáka

Discussion: Who is a bully?

Pre-reading - Match the words with the definitions:

  • been up to  ----- shut and open your eyes very fast
  • blink ----- malicious look
  • clenched ----- been doing
  • disruptive ------ closed 
  • no wonder ------ say in an aggressive tone
  • pick on ------ it is not surprising
  • snap ------ causing problems
  • shy ------ blame, criticise
  • sneer ------- timid 

Answer key: been up to: been doing - blink: shut and open eyes very fast - clenched: closed - disruptive: causing problems - no wonder: it is not surprising - pick on: blame, criticise - snap: say in an aggressive tone - shy: timid - sneer: malicious look

Reading: Read the extract from the story called The Wimp. Answer the following questions.


Reading comprehension:

Main idea: 

What problem does the main character solve, and what does the character learn about themselves or the world around them because of it?

Detailed questions:

  • How do the other students at school behave towards the main character?
  • What emotions does the main character experience at the beginning and at the end of the story?
  • What changes the main character's situation?

Your opinion:

  • What would you advise the main character? Was their solution the right one?


  • Find and write down two words or phrases that describe the main character’s emotions, and explain them in your own words.